What We Do Best

Contract Management

We are specialists in

Contract Management

Contracts are core to managing and it is imperative that contract management is undertaken in a consistent, logical and fair manner.

When it comes to contract management, business needs an expert that understand client’s environment, requirements and possess the necessary skills to not only assist client to identified weaknesses but assist in addressing such gaps and thereby improve the business.

When organizations lose sight of the economic connection in contract management, they jeopardize the benefits that can be achieved.

we have no limits

Why Choose Us

TMCS is a 100% black-owned and 50% female-owned and managed legal consulting services firm which provides corporate commercial law consulting and drafting services.

Skilled and experienced team

We help organizations to develop the contract management policy and procedures, contract templates and implement a software tool that assist with the automation of the contract management process and thereby assist in having contract managers who add value rather than focusing on administrative activities while overseeing the risks holistically and efficiently.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

What we do for our clients

  • The overall security of key business information.
  • Increased cost savings by ensuring greater efficiency in the management of the contracts and suppliers.
  • The ability to measure overall benefits to costs and problems associated with each contract.
  • Ease of operation and monitoring of each contract with an increase in visibility and control.
  • The production of regular and appropriate management information to meet the needs of your business.
  • Better contractual terms derived from the ability to choose suppliers and negotiate with them from a position of strength.
  • Encourage suppliers to increase their performance derived from better supplier’s activity information.
  • Effective Service Level Agreements from as you have better monitoring and more information from which to work.
  • More productivity from procurement staff as the contract management services will remove much of the basic monitoring activities.
  • Risks and liabilities are minimized due to better information and system alerts and flags.
  • An overall reduction in spending coupled with an increase in profitability.
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