What We Do Best

Corporate Governance

We are specialists in

Corporate Governance

As most of our clients are corporate leaders in their own right, our firm helps corporate organisations align to best practice corporate governance principles, practices and procedures, regardless of the nature of their organisations. Our firm approaches Corporate Governance from the universal understanding of the concept as “set of systems, processes and principles which ensure that an organisation is governed in the best interest of all stakeholders. We understand corporate governance as a system that ensures that organisations are directed and controlled in accordance with the regulatory framework and principles-based framework of corporate governance. In other words, whether governance is legally (by statutory or common law principles) mandated or is self-regulatory.

we have no limits

Why Choose Us

TMCS is a 100% black-owned and 50% female-owned and managed legal consulting services firm which provides corporate commercial law consulting and drafting services.

Skilled and experienced team

We assist businesses with the practical application of all corporate governance instruments, whether such instruments are mandated by law or best practice governance principles. We have a team of experts that will help your organisation apply the legally mandated corporate governance instruments.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

What we do for our clients

  • Drafting of the organisation’s constitutive documents, such as the Memorandum of Incorporation and Company Rules
  • Alignment of organisation’s constitutive documents to appropriate legislation
  • Setting up corporate structures aligned to the relevant regulatory framework
  • Develop templates for necessary corporate resolutions and other corporate decision-making processes 
  • Preparing Accountability matrices/Delegation of authority documents
  • Preparing and enabling the monitoring of board/governing body’s charter, committees’ charters, and charters of statutory committees
  • Preparing shareholder agreements.
  • Organisational/Director inductions, evaluations and training.
  • Identify Leadership roles.
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